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Insight Information will hold its 7th Annual Aboriginal Energy Conference at the Eaton Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, on December 5th and 6th


Insight Information will hold its 7th Annual Aboriginal Energy Conference at the Eaton Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, on December 5th and 6th. Keynote speakers at this event will include:

Grand chief Harvey of Yesno Nishnawbe Aski Nation
Hillary Thatcher, Assistant Deputy Minister for Aboriginal Relations and Ministry Partnerships, Ontario’s Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs
Jim Leonard, Chief of Rainy River First Nations
Christopher Henderson, President of Lumos Energy
Cindy Tindell, VP of NextEra Transmission.

The distinguished faculty members will address delegates and lead discussions on the recent developments in the renewable resource sectors that are intensifying aboriginal participation in energy and economic development projects.

The 7th Annual Aboriginal Energy Forum will expand on the environmental and social acceptability of energy projects on Aboriginal land. Other key themes include: financing Aboriginal energy projects, remote communities connection issues, from consultation to partnerships and the East and West Tie Line: innovative transmission development.

One of the key speakers is Raymond Ferris, the Ring of Fire Coordinator for the Natawa First Nation. For over a decade Raymond has played a significant role in ensuring his homeland is used for the benefit of the First Nations. With a wealth of knowledge and experience Raymond will discuss First Nation ownership, apprenticeships, water power, solar and wind projects.

Margaret Kenequanash director of Wataynikaneyap Power will be joining Raymond Ferris. Her presentation will focus on the regional transmission issues, ownership model, the key features of the Wataynikaneyap Power Transmission Project, and the issues and challenges in connecting remote off-grid FN communities. Alongside keynote addresses, delegates of this two-day conference will also benefit from case studies and success stories presented by Deb Doncatser, Executive Director of the Community Power Fund.

The 7th Annual Aboriginal Energy Forum will be held at the Eaton Chelsea Hotel, Toronto, on December 5th and 6th. Members of the pubic are invited to attend, but seats are filling up quickly. Register at:

Media Contact
Talia Schwebel
Insight Information


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