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5 Traits of an Entrepreneur Destined for Success

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Image courtesy of [Naypong] / .


TJ Philpott

There are certain habits, characteristics or traits of an entrepreneur that puts them on course to be more successful than others! No where is this more the case than for those who choose the internet as the place to establish their primary business platform! Having a strong desire to achieve your goals is a great start but other traits are needed to help keep you on track especially in such a dynamic environment!

Here are 5 traits that help ‘spawn’ a strong desire within you to achieve your goals when working on the internet!


Not necessarily the 20/20 kind although that is nice to have, but rather that  ‘idea’ or ‘ideal’ that is your strong desire to make a reality! This vision can be a product or business, a movement or some type of organization formed to achieve a certain goal or fulfill a specific purpose! Whatever it may be it is something you believe in and are passionate enough about it that you are compelled to take action on it!


This is where your enthusiasm overrides your frustrations and keeps you moving forward even when results are not what you want! In business like in life things do NOT always go the way we want and it’s how we react in these situations that determine the level of our success! Building an income on the internet requires above all else a constant effort due to the competition and changes this environment presents! Your tenacity or persistence will allow you to stay on top of any changes or potential problems that require your immediate attention thus making your efforts more successful!


Whether writing, designing a site, social marketing or using other strategies to expand your presence your creativity will be your Swiss army knife!  It will come in handy and be needed in just about every aspect of your business! The creativity I’m referring to here also includes your ability to be resourceful in the way you use your assets to achieve your goals! Thinking in unconventional ways online is something you’ll need to embrace in order to be more successful!


The only overnight riches with which I’m aware are those that come with stock market trading or lottery winnings! Building businesses online or off takes time and therefore your patience which is something you should have in excess if you posses a strong desire to succeed! This is where your passion will really pay off in terms of your acceptance that results may be slow in developing!


For things to change YOU must change but in the case of the internet YOU must also be willing to adapt to change as well! We spoke of this briefly above but it’s important enough to address once again how dynamic the internet environment can be! Remember not only are we dealing with regulations and algorithms but also trends and consumer preferences, and all on a global scale! This is the perfect recipe for ongoing change and something you MUST accept in order to achieve your goals online!

Having the traits of an entrepreneur destined to be more successful than others starts with a strong desire to achieve your goals! This drive or motivation comes from deep within the individual and starts with a simple and achievable vision! The traits described above result from the passion one has to make their vision a reality! Skills, resources and even acquired knowledge are all recommended assets to help you achieve your goals but are worthless UNLESS backed by a unwavering and strong desire to succeed!

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About the Author

TJ Philpott is an author and Internet entrepreneur based out of North Carolina. To learn more about which traits of an entrepreneur will make you the most successful and to also receive a free instructional manual that teaches valuable niche research techniques for your online marketing needs simply visit:


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