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A year in review with Canada’s Indigenous Services minister – Canada’s National Observer

June 17, 2024

Over the past year, climate stories affecting Indigenous communities in Canada carried an almost apocalyptic horror.

They ranged from historic wildfires that torched 18.5 million hectares across the country, to the frenzied evacuations sparked by those wildfires, to instances of environmental racism that retold Canada’s colonial story of poisoning First Nations — often to the benefit of industry.

Take the look at Kearl Lake, where the Alberta Energy Regulator waited months before informing Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Mikisew Cree First Nation and Fort Chipewyan Métis Nation that the waters and animals were poisoned. Then there were the benzene leaks in Aamjiwnaang that forced some people to seek hospital treatment and resulted in the plant announcing it would close by 2026. And how about Grassy Narrows, a nation dealing with legacy mercury poisoning in water where they fish?

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