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Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada and the Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board Release Guidelines for Closure and Reclamation of Advanced Mineral Exploration and Mine Sites in the Northwest Territories

Ref. #2-3880

YELLOWKNIFE, NORTHWEST TERRITORIES (November 21, 2013) – The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB), through its Standard Procedures and Consistency Working Group Initiative, and Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada (AANDC) are pleased to announce the release of the document, Guidelines for the Closure and Reclamation of Advanced Mineral Exploration and Mine Sites in the NWT (the Guidelines).

The Guidelines set out clear expectations for what is to be included in closure and reclamation plans, providing a step-by-step process for developing the plan and specific direction on the level of detail required. This document was shared with key parties for input prior to being finalized, including the territorial government, other federal departments, industry and Aboriginal groups.

“Closure and reclamation planning is critical to ensure sustainable development practices occur from the beginning to end of any project. These guidelines are intended to be a tool for industry and other parties, and will contribute towards a more effective regulatory review system in the Northwest Territories. They will improve the consistency of closure and reclamation plans, therefore supporting environmental protection and resulting in more efficient approval processes by making all parties aware of what is expected and/or required,” states the Honourable Bernard Valcourt, Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development.

Chair and CEO of the MVLWB, Willard Hagen, stated “The release of these guidelines will help all interested parties achieve greater certainty, clarity and consistency with respect to the closure and reclamation of mine sites in the Mackenzie Valley.”

These Guidelines add to the 2002 Mine Site Reclamation Policy for the Northwest Territories and supersede the Mine Site Reclamation Guidelines for the Northwest Territories released by AANDC in 2007.

For additional background or to access the Guidelines for the Closure and Reclamation of Advanced Mineral Exploration and Mine Sites in the NWT, please refer to

For more information, please contact:

Minister’s Office
Erica Meekes
Press Secretary
Office of the Honourable Bernard Valcourt

Media Relations
Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada

Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board
Executive Director
Zabey Nevitt


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