ABM is the most powerful Aboriginal-driven business development event in Canada.
The tradeshow connects Aboriginal communities with the private sector to create opportunities for business.
ABM is for Community Decision Makers representing:
– First Nations;
– Tribal Councils;
– Métis communities; and
for Exhibitors representing:
– Aboriginal businesses;
– Non-Aboriginal businesses;
– Non-profit organizations supporting business;
– Government agencies funding Aboriginal economic development.
ABM levels the playing field to allow business connections to be made. The three-day intensive experience eliminates geographic barriers, condenses time requirements, reduces costs and facilitates opportunities.
At ABM 2013 delegates initiated new business deals worth over $30 million.
ABM SK will be held in Saskatoon from June 16 to 19 at TCU Place. For more information, visit www.aboriginalbusinessmatch.com/saskatoon.