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Aboriginal leaders, Japanese envoy, Bob Rae head to Prince … – Victoria Times Colonist

Aboriginal leaders, Japanese envoy, Bob Rae head to Prince George for First Nations summit

OCTOBER 8, 2013

The ambassador of Japan will be in Prince George this week, along with former Ontario premier and interim Liberal Party of Canada leader Bob Rae, several industrial personalities and a who’s who of national aboriginal leaders.

They are gathering with a wide array of local aboriginal representatives to wrestle out loud with one of the most complex issues to ever face area First Nations: what to do with the great power and great risk of imminent industrial development.

“It’s to bring all our First Nations communities together to discuss how these megaprojects might affect our territories,” said Terry Teegee, elected chief of the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, the group spearheading the summit. All in attendance are invited guests for large but closed-door sessions.

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