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Agassiz-area First Nation removes chief for ‘serious misconduct’ – Fraser Valley Today

Sep 3, 2024

STS’AILES (AGASSIZ) — A First Nation band west of Agassiz has removed its chief after evidence of serious misconduct emerging, prompting band council members to take immediate action last week.

According to a statement from Sts’ailes First Nation, council members at Sts’ailes were advised in early August that Chief Ralph Leon Jr. had engaged in multiple acts of misconduct, including matters pertaining to his unauthorized or unverified spending, pay advances, excessive technology purchases, and failure to attend what council considered critical meetings. On August 2, 2024, Council provided Chief Leon with a letter detailing the allegations against him and instituted temporary safeguards on his abilities until the misconduct allegations had been thoroughly investigated.

Sts’ailes says Council met in-camera, in a closed session, on Wednesday, August 27 to discuss and address concerns involving the misconduct allegations as mentioned in the letter. After Chief Leon was given an opportunity to respond to the allegations leveled against him, Council determined that the allegations against him were founded and that he had committed serious offences.

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