Feb 06, 2014
A province-wide conversation about how municipalities operate, grow, and develop will take place over the next twelve weeks.
The review of the Municipal Government Act will involve regional consultation sessions in 11 communities, beginning in Edmonton and concluding in Peace River on April 25, along with a comprehensive website with online workbook and surveys.
“Municipalities play a vital role in supporting safe, prosperous and vibrant communities across Alberta. As Alberta continues to grow, this is an ideal opportunity to modernize the legislation that governs municipalities to reflect the changing needs of our communities. We welcome input from all Albertans on how we can continue to build strong communities into the future.”
– Ken Hughes, Minister of Municipal Affairs
“AUMA fully supports stakeholder consultation as a key first step in review of the Municipal Government Act. Having listened to our members, AUMA is pleased to work with the Province through collaboration and information sharing to ensure those sections that most impact municipal governance and decision making are addressed.”
– Helen Rice, President, Alberta Urban Municipalities Association
“The AAMDC is excited to be a part of the Government of Alberta’s regional MGA consultations. We commend the Government of Alberta for putting these sessions on across Alberta. They will give Alberta’s rural municipalities and the public an opportunity to get involved in the MGA review. We have been active in the MGA review and are looking forward to continuing our involvement in the consultation process.”
– Bob Barss, President, Alberta Association of Municipal Districts and Counties
Regional consultation sessions
In each location, there will be sessions designed for specific stakeholders, including municipal elected officials and administrators, business and industry, the general public, and professionals who work closely with the legislation. Albertans are invited to attend sessions in any location that is most convenient to them.
Albertans who are unable to attend any of the regional consultation sessions can participate in a variety of other ways, including online surveys and workbooks.
The MGA Review consultation will focus on three key themes: assessment and taxation, governance and administration, and planning and development. More information about the Municipal Government Act and the Review can be found at.
Under the Building Alberta Plan, our government is investing in families and communities, living within our means, and opening new markets for Alberta’s resources to ensure we’re able to fund the services Albertans told us matter most to them. We will continue to deliver the responsible change Albertans voted for.
Related information
Media inquiries
Cam Traynor
Communications, Municipal Affairs
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