Press Release
Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) congratulates Chief Walter Harper and the Wasagamack Anisininew Nation on their momentous announcement yesterday regarding the development of a new airport, marking the culmination of 60 years of advocacy and lobbying. Chief Harper, alongside Grand Chief Scott Harper, Minister Ian Bushie, Minister Lisa Naylor, and MKO Grand Chief Garrison Settee, unveiled plans for the Wasagamack Airport Development, a visionary project poised to significantly enhance accessibility, connectivity, and economic prosperity for the Wasagamack Anisininew Nation.
“This is a historic and life-changing accomplishment for Chief Harper and Wasagamack Anisininew Nation,” said AMC Grand Chief Cathy Merrick, “it’s also a demonstration of the good things we can accomplish together when governments support First Nations-led projects that support the inherent right of First Nations to self-determination.”
Yesterday’s announcement is the result of decades of tireless advocacy by the leaders of Wasagamack Anisininew Nation, underscored by a historic commitment outlined in the 2024 Federal Budget. Manitoba’s commitment of $8 million to the Wasagamack Airport Development project marks a significant milestone for the Wasagamack Anisininew Nation. This substantial investment emphasizes the importance of the project and signifies a crucial step towards saving lives, enhancing infrastructure, and fostering opportunities for local employment and sustainable growth within the Nation.
“The AMC is dedicated to advancing the interests of First Nations in Manitoba. We are fully prepared to provide support and assistance throughout the development and implementation stages of the Wasagamack Airport project,” stated Grand Chief Merrick. “We eagerly anticipate the positive impact this project will have and the promise it holds for the future of First Nations in Manitoba.”
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Communications Team
Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs