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Budget, airport decision tabled to Monday’s regular Town of Elk Point meeting – Lakeland Today

Thursday’s discussion of the Town of Elk Point’s 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets at a special meeting came down to a decision to table the passing of the budget.

ELK POINT – Thursday’s lengthy discussion of the 2024 Operating and Capital Budgets at a special meeting of Elk Point Town Council came down to a decision to table the passing of the budget until council’s April 8 regular meeting.

CAO Ken Gwozdz called it “a very difficult budget” due to increased costs for policing, supplies, utilities, the carbon tax, increased maintenance costs, a part-time Public Works position changing to full-time, the municipal controlled corporations, the growth and hemp industries and increased requisitions for the MD of St. Paul Foundation’s plans for a proposed new seniors lodge in St. Paul.

A last minute revision by Director of Corporate and Community Services Lisa Han reduced the budget from a 26 per cent tax increase to 9.2 per cent, with council reducing it even further to 7.5 per cent with cuts to bylaw enforcement and FCSS spending.

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