Call For Bids To Host The Assembly Of First Nations 2018 Annual General Assembly
Call For Bids To Host The Assembly Of First Nations 2018 Annual General Assembly
The Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is the national organization representing First Nations citizens and the over 630 First Nations communities in Canada. The AFN Secretariat is designed to present the views of First Nations through their leaders in areas such as: Aboriginal and Treaty Rights, Economic Development, Education, Languages and
Literacy, Health, Housing, Social Development, Justice, Taxation, Land Claims, Environment, and a whole array of issues that are of common concern which arise from time to time.
The Chiefs meet annually to set national policy and direction through resolution. The National Chief is elected every three years by the Chiefs-in-Assembly. The next election is scheduled for July 2018. The AFN is seeking joint proposals from across Canada from large urban centres and
First Nations organizations interested in hosting the 2018 AFN Annual General Assembly (AGA).
To be considered, each bid must fulfill the following mandatory requirements:
Meeting space for 3000 people in plenary, trade show space for a minimum of 125 8×10 booths, 20 breakout rooms, and an additional large room for the National Chief Election process;
All meeting space must be available in one facility;
2200 hotel rooms available within the city limits; and,
All meeting space and hotel rooms must be available in July 2018.
Host City/Organization
The potential host of the July 2018 AGA must have large conference facilities and a number of hotel facilities. Bids must be submitted with the involvement of the appropriate First Nations community and regional organizations. Preference will be given to the locations that submit a bid; meet all requirements; and, have not had a recent opportunity to host an Assembly.
Conference Facility
The proposed facility must be able to provide the following:
Meeting space for at least 3,000 people in a class-room and theatre set-up in the main plenary (at a minimum, space should be able to accommodate 650 classroom style seating and 2350 theatre style seating);
Meeting space for a tradeshow with a minimum of 125 – 8’ x 10’ booths;
An additional large meeting room to accommodate the AFN 2018 Election process;
Up to 20 breakout meeting rooms of varying sizes which should have capacity to accommodate various sized groups from 50-300 people and will be used for regional caucus rooms (10); AFN office (1), Communications/Media Office (2), Elders lounge (1); and Candidate Offices (number to be determined).
Facilities must be available for three days (preferably on a Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) in July 2018 allowing for set up of the main session and tradeshow on the Monday.
Hotel Accommodations
The potential host city/organization should have, at a minimum, 2200 hotel rooms available in the city during the proposed dates for the 2018 AGA.
The potential host city/organization should be accessible via air, train and bus for delegates attending the 2018 AGA.
Financial Commitment:
The potential host city/organization should identify a minimum of $200,000 of fundraising that will be committed towards the meeting costs of the AGA;
A breakdown of the amount of in-kind contributions; and,
A list of sponsors to cover the cost of the proposed social/cultural events
Social Events
The bid should outline a plan for social/cultural events that could include both traditional and contemporary entertainment and events; and,
A plan for sharing information between the AFN and the potential host city/organization regarding the planned social/cultural events.
The AFN reserves the right to:
reject any or all Bids received in response to this Call for Bids;
enter into negotiation with one or more Bidders on any or all aspects of their respective Bids;
accept any Bid in whole, or in part;
cancel the Call for Bids at any time;
issue an extension to the deadline for the Call for Bids at any time;
re-issue a modified version of a given Call for Bids requirement at any time;
award one or more contracts;
verify all information provided with respect to a given Bid requirement, including the right to request a confirmation of the Bidder’s legal status and signed documentation; and,
select a Bidder who may not be the lowest bidder, at the sole discretion of the AFN.
Questions about the bid process or clarification of bid requirements should be directed in writing to:
Lori Keeshig-Martin
Assembly of First Nations
55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1600
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L5
Tel: (613) 241-6789
All bids must be submitted by either hard copy by mail or by email in
PDF format and received by the AFN office no later than April 1, 2017 at5:00 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Please submit bids in hard copy or by email (PDF files only) to the following:
Ms. Ruth Jackson
Acting Chief Financial Officer
Assembly of First Nations
55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 1600
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6L3