CAMH named one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers for 2017
March 28, 2017 (Toronto) – For the seventh year in a row, the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has been named one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers.
“Promoting diversity has always been a core value at CAMH,” says Kim Bellissimo, VP of Human Resources and Organizational Development. “It also allows us to recruit and retain some of the brightest minds across Canada.”
Here are some of the reasons why CAMH was selected as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers (2017):
As part of the organization’s inclusive recruitment practices, CAMH provides bias-free interview training for recruiters and managers and ensures that prospective candidates receive the appropriate accommodation if needed. Additionally, CAMH includes diversity-specific questions as part of the interview process and incorporates mandatory diversity training into its orientation and onboarding processes.
CAMH manages “Employment Works!”, a unique program to help individuals with mental health or addiction issues access meaningful employment through skills development such as resume writing, cover letters, referrals and other educational resources — Accenture recently joined “Employment Works!” as a partner and provides access to Accenture-facilitated employment workshops, resume building exercises and videotaped mock interviews.
CAMH supports the “Out of This World Cafe” at three of its locations — originally a vocational rehabilitation program managed by CAMH, the cafes are now operated by Working for Change and provide employment opportunities for the psychiatric consumer/survivor community.
For a more detailed explanation of CAMH’s selection as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers, click here.
For more information in CAMH’s diversity initiatives, click here.
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The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is Canada’s largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, as well as one of the world’s leading research centres in its field. CAMH combines clinical care, research, education, policy development and health promotion to help transform the lives of people affected by mental health and addiction issues. CAMH is fully affiliated with the University of Toronto, and is a Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization Collaborating Centre.
For further information:
Sean O’Malley
Media Relations
Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH)
416 535 8501 x36015