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Canada offers a cautionary tale on assisted dying: Ramona Coelho in CapX – MLI

November 12, 2024

It was meant to be a last resort, but assisted dying has exploded in Canada.

It was meant to be a last resort – an act of ‘compassion’ to ease the suffering of the terminally ill. Instead, ‘medical assistance in dying’ (MAID) in Canada has exploded. Even worse, it’s being suggested to vulnerable disabled and mentally ill patients – many of whom could be treated with other therapies or medications.

To say Canada is a cautionary tale for the United Kingdom is an understatement. Canada has the fastest-growing MAID programme globally. Since legalisation in 2016, more than 60,000 MAID deaths have been recorded, with more than 13,000 in 2022 alone and estimates exceeding 15,000 MAID deaths for 2023.

In February 2024, the Canadian Human Rights Commission expressed deep concern over reports that people with disabilities are choosing MAID because they lack access to the essential services and supports needed to live with dignity.

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