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Canada’s largest wind energy conference opens in Toronto Oct. 8

Media Advisory

For Immediate Release 

Canada’s largest wind energy conference opens in Toronto Oct. 8
Canadian Wind Energy Association opens 29th Annual Conference and Exhibition

Business leaders debate provincial/national wind energy experiences 

Attention: Business and Energy Editors/Reporters 

Toronto, Ontario – October 3, 2013 – Media are cordially invited to join CanWEA president, Mr. Robert Hornung during the opening ceremony of our annual conference, Tuesday, October 8th at 9 a.m., EST at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.

A ‘not-to-be-missed’ opening plenary panel discussion – THE WIND ENERGY EXPERIENCE IN ONTARIO – will follow immediately. Participants include international wind energy industry experts and leaders such as ENERCON Canada Inc., Ontario Federation of Agriculture (OFA), The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO), and the Ontario Clean Technology Alliance (OCTA).

Wednesday, October 9th features an opening plenary discussion focused on the national wind energy experience –WIND ENERGY ACROSS CANADA. Wind energy experts from Siemens Canada, EDF EN Canada, RES Canada Inc., GDF Suez Canada, GE Renewable Energy and REpower Systems Inc. will participate in the discussion which begins at 9 a.m. EST.

Keynote Address presented by: Governor of Massachusetts, Deval L. Patrick.

Throughout the coming days, concurrent conference sessions cover an array of important topics such as: industry collaboration with First Nations, opportunities and challenges with financing wind energy projects, the science behind protecting wildlife, integrating wind energy on Ontario’s electricity grid, operation and maintenance of wind farms and community engagement. The full conference program is available at:

All media accreditation badges will be available for pick up in the Media Room (709), no need to go through delegate/exhibitor registration. For full access to the media centre, plenary sessions, presentation venues, workshops and exhibition floor, media representatives can register here.

We look forward to seeing everyone.

About CanWEA: 

CanWEA is the voice of Canada’s wind energy industry, actively promoting the responsible and sustainable growth of wind energy on behalf of its members. A national non-profit association, CanWEA serves as Canada’s leading source of credible information about wind energy and its social, economic and environmental benefits. Join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter and for insight on industry issues join the conversation at

For Canada to be a world leader in the production of clean wind energy, CanWEA believes we can and must reach a target of producing 20 per cent or more of our electricity from wind.  Learn more at

For more information, please contact:

Ulrike Kucera
Media Relations Officer
Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA)
Suite 710, 1600 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario  K1Z 1G3
Direct: 613 234 8716 ext. 228 / Mob. 613 867 4433 


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