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Canadian Orebodies Highlights Drill Results on the Farley Lake Mine Project Joint Venture with Carlisle Goldfields Limited

TORONTO, March 17, 2014 — Canadian Orebodies Inc. (TSXV:CO) (“Orebodies” or the “Company”) is pleased to highlight interim results from an additional 6 holes on the Farley Lake Mine Project, which the company has a 10% interest in through a joint venture with Carlisle Goldfields Limited (TSX: CGJ) (“Carlisle”), who is the operator of the project. Drill hole FL13-01 intersected 6.1 g/t gold (“Au”) over 17.0m from 138.0m to 155.0m. Drilling at Farley Lake commenced in December 2013 (see Carlisle’s Press Release dated December 12, 2013).

Carlisle’s President and CEO, Abraham Drost commented that: “Our second set of drill results shows that the grade of Inferred resources encountered in the current drill program at Farley is holding up well. While there is more drilling to be done to convert Inferred ounces at Farley to the appreciable pre-feasibility ready Measured and Indicated gold resource at the Farley and MacLellan deposits under the recent optimized PEA (see Press Release dated February 27, 2014), we are off to a good start.”

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