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Cook-Searson recipient of national Indigenous leadership award – Laronge Now

Lac La Ronge Indian Band (LLRIB) Chief Tammy Cook-Searson is the recipient of the 2021 Indigenous Women in Leadership Award.

The honour was announced Monday by the Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business (CCAB) and it marks the fifth time the award has been bestowed. Cook-Searson, who has been chief of the LLRIB since 2005, said she was grateful to be this year’s recipient.

“It’s a national award and there were many other deserving recipients who were also nominated,” she said. “I give credit to everyone who I had the privilege to work with over the years. Nobody does anything by their self and it’s always a team effort and a collective effort collaborating with others to make things better for our communities.”

In a news release, there were several examples outlining why Cook-Searson was chosen for the award. They include playing a key role in lobbying for funds for the construction of a wellness, treatment and recovery centre, as well as her leadership during the 2015 northern wildfire crisis.

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