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Eagle’s Nest Project – Federal Funding Allocated to Support Aboriginal Participation in Environmental Assessment (Revised)

October 8, 2013 – The Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency has allocated a total of $19,233 to the Kasabonika Lake First Nation to support their participation in consultation activities related to the environmental assessment of the proposed Eagle’s Nest Project, located in Ontario.

This funding was made available to Aboriginal groups through the Participant Funding Program administered by the Agency, and will enable participation in upcoming steps of the environmental assessment, such as consultation related to the Environmental Impact Statement and the review of the Comprehensive Study Report.

For more information on the Participant Funding Program, the federal environmental assessment process and the project, please visit the Agency’s website (Registry reference number 63925).

The Proposed Project

Noront Resources Ltd. is proposing the construction, operation, decommissioning and abandonment of an underground nickel-copper-platinum multi-metal mine, an on-site metal mill, and a facility for the extraction of 358,000 cubic metres per annum of groundwater. The proposed mine, located approximately 540 kilometres north of the City of Thunder Bay, Ontario and 240 kilometres west of James Bay in the Ring of Fire mining area, would have an ore production capacity of approximately 2,960 tonnes per day, with an anticipated mine life of approximately 11 years. The on-site metal mill would have an ore input capacity of 2,960 tonnes per day.



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