Press Release
Mar 18, 2024
TORONTO, March 18, 2024 – Today, the Economic Equity Alliance (the Alliance) released a groundbreaking report titled “Invisible Entrepreneurs: The Impact of Small Business Policy Neglect on Self-Employed Individuals,” calling on the government to address the longstanding exclusion of self-employed workers from small business policy. The report highlights the urgent need for policymakers to recognize and support this essential segment of the labour market.
The report defines self-employed as someone who earns business or professional income (distinct from employment income) and has no employees (paid or unpaid).
“For too long, economic development discussions have focused on employers and salaried workers, while self-employed workers have been ignored,” says Nancy Wilson, CEO, Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce, and a founding member of the Alliance. “It’s time to recognize self-employed individuals as employers of one and acknowledge their economic contribution in providing goods and services to each other, the public, and small and medium-sized businesses.”
The Alliance unites 12 organizations spanning chambers of commerce, trade unions, and community groups with one goal: to shed light on the ongoing neglect of self-employed workers by policymakers. This neglect is evident through various programs that exclude self-employed individuals from accessing critical resources.
In addition, the report highlights how promises for a comprehensive EI plan to cover self-employed freelancers, independent contractors and “gig” workers have been on the table for many years with no action.
“Bringing chambers of commerce and trade unions together in a common cause may not be conventional, but the long-standing neglect of the self-employed demands our collective action,” says Nora Loreto, President, Canadian Freelance Union-Unifor. “Whether they call themselves entrepreneurs, artists, freelancers, or gig workers it’s time to prioritize their needs and provide the necessary support.”
According to the Alliance, the lack of support for self-employed workers stems from systemic gender and race discrimination.
The report found that equity-deserving groups are disproportionately represented in self-employment:
“For many marginalized individuals, self-employment is more than just a platform for pursuing innovative ideas beyond traditional employment,” says Navya Baradi, Executive Director, National Collective of Women in Business. “It is a necessity fueled by various intersecting barriers like gender, race, geographical location, and socio-economic context. It is critical that we ensure equitable opportunities, support, and resources are available to support these individuals in their pursuit of self-employment.”
To address these pressing issues and create a more equitable opportunity for all entrepreneurs, the Economic Equity Alliance presents a set of recommendations:
The Report also includes recommendations from six regional focus groups that were held with self-employed individuals to gather information about the participants’ experiences, needs, and challenges. These include: income tax reform for T1 business and professional income and funding for organizations and projects that support self-employed Canadians.
The full report and recommendations can be found here.
Funded by a grant from the Department of Women & Gender Equality under the
Feminist Response and Recovery Fund, the Economic Equity Alliance was initiated by the Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce in January 2023 to bring together organizations representing the interests of solo entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals.
Black Business and Professional Association, Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce, The Canadian Arts Coalition, The Canadian Freelance Union (Unifor), The Canadian Labour Congress, The Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation, Innovators & Entrepreneurs Foundation, LiisBeth, The National Collective of Women in Business, Rise, Up With Women/Exponenti’elles, YWCA Canada
The Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce (CanWCC) is a nationally incorporated, not-for-profit organization dedicated to advocacy, advancement, and connection for and on behalf of its members. CanWCC’s membership consists of diverse women-identified entrepreneurs and organizations that are at least 50% woman(en)-owned and led.
SOURCE Canadian Women’s Chamber of Commerce
For further information: Media Contact: Aliya Jiwan-Thawer,, 416-999-3355