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Environmental Assessment Bulletin

Press Release

The Honourable Bernard Davis, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, has announced the following relative to Part 10 Environmental Assessment of the Environmental Protection Act.


Crown Zone 3 Five-Year Forestry Operating Plan Amendment District 5 (2022-2026)
Proponent: Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture (Reg. 2314)

The Proponent is proposing an amendment to the Crown Zone 3 Five-Year Forestry Operating Plan (2022-2026). The Project is proposed in Forest Management District 5, approximately one kilometre west of the town of Benton in Central Newfoundland. The amendment would create a new harvest block that covers approximately 49 hectares and would provide access to 4800 cubic metres of harvestable timber.  The Forest Management District’s harvest level would be balanced by reducing harvesting elsewhere in the district. No further primary access road construction is anticipated to facilitate this harvesting.

The undertaking was registered on June 26, 2024; the deadline for public comment is August 2, 2024; and the minister’s decision is due by August 10, 2024.


Steady Brook Residential Property                              (Reg. 2308)
Proponent: Susan Kim Dawson

The Project is released from environmental assessment subject to the conditions as outlined in the minister’s decision letter available on the Department’s Project web page at

Watson’s Pond Quarry                                                     (Reg. 2309)
Proponent: Marine Contractors Inc.

The Project is released from environmental assessment subject to the conditions as outlined in the minister’s decision letter available on the Department’s Project web page at

Crown Zone 2 Five-Year Forestry Operating Plan Amendment (2022-2026)
Proponent: Department of Fisheries, Forestry and Agriculture (Reg. 2310)

The Project is released from environmental assessment subject to the conditions as outlined in the minister’s decision letter available on the Department’s Project web page at

Learn more
Environmental Assessment Division
Department of Environment and Climate Change
West Block, Confederation Building
P.O. Box 8700, St. John’s, NL A1B 4J6

Environmental assessment information is available at:



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