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Federal parties need a lesson on First Nations education – Fraser Blog

October 7, 2015

First Nations education spending has become a hot topic during this election campaign.

According to our research, when comparing the overall operating expenditure for elementary and secondary students living on reserve to that for other Canadian students, on-reserve students receive the same amount (on average) as other Canadian students, and in some cases, more. In fact, more than $1.5 billion is spent annually on just over 100,000 First Nations students who live on reserve. On average (as the above infographic shows), $13,524 was spent per on reserve student in 2010/11 compared to $11,646 spent on students attending provincial schools in Canada.

So if funding isn’t the issue, what is?

Many Canadians would be surprised to learn that schools on First Nations reserves are not statutorily required to provide the same services and functions as provincial public schools in Canada—they do not have minimum number of attendance days, no requirement for teacher certification,

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