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Grassy Narrows rejects MNR clearcut plans – Wawatay News

NOVEMBER 21, 2013

Grassy Narrows has rejected Ministry of Natural Resources plans for more clear-cut logging in their traditional territory.

“Premier Wynne, it is within your power to ensure that the mistakes of the past are not repeated at the expense of another generation of Grassy Narrows children,” said Grassy Narrows Chief Simon Fobister in an Oct. 31 open letter to Premier Kathleen Wynne. “I call on you to ensure that never again will Ontario attempt to force decisions on our people and our lands.”

The MNR’s Forest Management plan for the Whiskey Jack Forest 2012-2022 is in the final stages of approval with a decision scheduled for Dec. 23. It is currently posted at the website.

The community is concerned about the MNR’s plan to clear-cut much of the remaining mature forest in their territory after decades of large-scale industrial logging.

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