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Incorporating Indigenous perspectives into mining – CIM Magazine

March 07, 2024

A recent Fasken seminar zoned in on how mining companies can improve relations with Indigenous communities around the world

As part of Fasken’s 2024 Global Mining Group Seminar Series, a recent episode held on Feb. 29 titled “Indigenous Community Engagement in the Changing World” explored the importance of effective engagement between mining companies and Indigenous community rights holders, and discussed how thoughtful engagement can lead to a deeper understanding of Indigenous traditions and knowledge and promote healthier relations between mining companies and communities. The session, led by Peter Mantas, co-managing partner at Orion Legal Group, featured three speakers from different parts of the world, including Canada.

Chief Nkandu Beltz, the founding director of Beltz Mining Limited, a copper exploration company with locations in Australia and Zambia, explained that Indigenous engagement is crucial prior to commencing a mining project, especially because it could prevent mining-related destruction inflicted on historical sites. “Those are sacred grounds for us, so it is painful,” she said. “When such things happen … it creates distrust among traditional owners of the land. I think with continued positive engagement, we can create a win-win scenario for investors, lenders, and the local people.”

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