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Invitation from Environment Canada to Participate in Consultation Sessions Regarding the Red Chris Mine

Sep. 24/13

Environment Canada invites the Tahltan Nation and the public to participate in consultation sessions (4) regarding a proposed amendment to the Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER) associated with the proposed Red Chris mining project. The proposed amendment of the MMER would allow the use of a portion of a creek for the disposal of mine tailings from the proposed project.

The proposed MMER amendment is based on the Screening Report for the proposed project, prepared under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act. The Screening Report for the proposed project was completed on April 19, 2006.

This notice informs all participants, intended participants and interested parties of the consultation sessions to be held:

Monday September 30th, 2013
Tahltan Nation
Telegraph Creek
Recreation Centre
1 to 4:30 pm
(doors open at 12:30)

Tuesday October 1st, 2013
Dease Lake
Community Hall
6:30 to 10 pm
(doors open at 6)

Wednesday October 2nd, 2013
Tahltan Nation
Community Hall
6:30 to 10 pm
(doors open at 6)

Thursday October 3rd, 2013
Hudson Bay Lodge
6:30 to 10 pm
(doors open at 6)

For more information or to receive documents regarding the consultation session:

Telephone: 1-800-668-6767 (in Canada only) or 819-997-2800
TTY: 819-994-0736


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