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Jackpine Mine will destroy wetlands and wildlife, First Nations say –

Mine will create $17 billion in taxes, royalties and create 750 full time jobs, Shell says

Dec 09, 2013

The largest known reservoir of crude bitumen in the world is about to get even bigger, but Alice Rigney is in no mood to celebrate.

Rigney was raised in Northern Alberta on the Athabasca River that now runs directly through multiple oil sands projects.

“That river is our lifeline and has been for thousands of years. It has always sustained us with fish, food, water and travel – everything,” said Rigney.

Rigney grew up watching traditional hunting, fishing and trapping grounds transform into what she now calls the tar sands. She is now part of an Athabasca Chipewyan First Nations (ACFN) Elders council, fighting those developments.

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