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Manitoba Chambers of Commerce Welcome Provincial Leaders for Latest Breakfast Series

Press Releases

The Manitoba Chambers of Commerce is pleased to announce the launch of the 2015 Provincial Leaders Series Presented by Deloitte. The Provincial Leaders Series Presented by Deloitte kicks off with PC Party of Manitoba and official Opposition Leader Brian Pallister on Wednesday, March 11 at Canad Inns Polo Park.

“As Manitoba moves closer to a provincial election, the return of this speaker series provides the leaders of the three main political parties in the province to share their vision and direction for Manitoba with the business community”, said Chamber President and CEO Chuck Davidson. “This series will provide the business community, and the leaders, the opportunity to lay out how they plan to re-establish business confidence, not just provincially, but globally.”

Mr. Pallister’s breakfast event will take place mere days after the NDP select either a new leader or return Premier Selinger to the top job. This will be Mr. Pallister’s first major address following the NDP leadership convention and the focus of his address will center around the message “there being no place like home”.

Manitoba Liberal Leader Rana Bokhari is set to speak on Wednesday March 25 at the Viscount Gort. Due to the current leadership contest with the NDP, a date for the Premier has yet to be determined.

“For the Manitoba Chambers and our members, our hope is for all three parties to put the focus on growing Manitoba and working together to improve our economy and all businesses that contribute to that growth,” said Davidson.



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