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Marathon estimates vote looms as Tories launch fresh bid to pass non-binding call to ‘immediately repeal’ the federal carbon tax – iPolitics

Dec 7, 2023

What’s happening on and off the Hill today, plus the news you need to start your day.

With the fall supply cycle set to expire on Dec. 10, Conservatives will get their final chance to trigger another debate on a non-binding call for the government to “immediately repeal the federal carbon tax” — this time, specifically (although presumably not exclusively), “on farmers, First Nations and families,” as outlined in the one-sentence motion that Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is set to put forward this morning.

When the ensuing back-and-forth winds down this afternoon, the motion will be at the top of the queue for what could turn out to be an extended voting session, courtesy of a last-minute move by Poilievre and his party to force MPs to individually approve — or, alternately, disapprove — over one hundred spending requests before signing off on the latest supplementary estimates, which are tied to the same Dec. 10 deadline.

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