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Mining company says impacts of Nunavut mine will be good, bad – Nunatsiaq News

May 23, 2014

Meliadine gold mine expected to be operational by 2019

Nearly half a century after gold was first discovered at Meliadine Lake, Agnico Eagle Mines is hoping soon to start digging it out of the ground and, with the May release of its final environmental impact statement, it got a little closer to that goal.

Agnico Eagle Mines, which operates Nunavut’s only operating mine — a gold operation at Meadowbank about 80 kilometres north of Baker Lake — outlines in the final EIS what it anticipates will be the impact of gold production on the vegetation, air quality, sea and land animals, and also nearby people.

Within many hundreds of pages — typical for these kinds of reports, which must describe fully the scope of the project as well as how they plan to monitor and mitigate the impacts— the company is hoping to reassure the Nunavut Impact Review Board, and Nunavummiut, that the benefits of such a mine outweigh any potential impacts.

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