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Multidisciplinary Environmental Services (EW699-220414/A)


Publication date: 2021/07/19
Amendment date: None
Date closing: 2021/09/01 14:00 Mountain Daylight Time (MDT)


GSIN: E108F: Northern Contaminated Site Environmental Clean-up Work/Services

Region of delivery

Northwest Territories

End user entity: Public Works and Government Services Canada

Procurement entity: Public Works and Government Services Canada

Tendering procedure: All interested suppliers may submit a bid

Competitive procurement strategy: No Responses to Bid Solicitation

Trade agreement: None

Reference number: PW-$NCS-014-12120

Solicitation number: EW699-220414/A


Trade Agreement: NONE
Tendering Procedures: All interested suppliers may submit a bid
Competitive Procurement Strategy: No Responses to Bid Solicitation
Comprehensive Land Claim Agreement: Yes
Nature of Requirements:

This published notice is not a solicitation. This document does not offer any commitments with respect to future purchases or contracts.

The purpose of this notice is to inform industry that Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) intends to establish new Departmental Individual Standing Offers (DISO) to replace the expiring agreements or contracts under EW699-170520 Environmental Consulting Services, EW699-170521 Environmental Consulting South Tool and ET022-172390 Biological and Environmental Assessment.

This DISO requirement includes the following consulting services for PWGSC’s Western Region:

Environmental management and Compliance
– Designated substances and hazardous materials surveys audits and abatement
– Air quality
– Storage tank system audits, design and site Supervision
– Demolition assessment and waste Survey
– Potable water

Contaminated sites consulting services
– Phase I, II, Ill environmental site assessment (ESA)
– Geotechnical assessment
– Human health and ecological risk assessment
– Remedial options analysis and remedial action plans / risk management action plan

Construction planning, design and supervision related to environmental projects
– Design and specifications including tendering Assistance
– Site supervision and contract administration services

Ecological and environmental assessments
– Biological studies and investigations
– Environmental impact assessment
– Archaeological assessment

PWGSC plans to hold an online pre-tender information session on 5 August 2021, issue a new Request for Standing Offer (RFSO) in the fall of the year 2021, then evaluate offers and award new DISOs in the early months of 2022.

Offerors are requested to communicate with the Standing Offer Authority before the pre-tender information session to confirm attendance and obtain call in information by e-mail at or by telephone at 780-264-0393. Offerors should provide, in writing, the name(s) of the person(s) attending and a list of questions no later than 3 August 2021.

PWGSC means to structure the upcoming multidisciplinary environmental services tool in the following fashion:

– Issue one RFSO to
– Include three streams for separate geographic areas: 1) Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, 2) Northwest Territories and Yukon Territory, 3) Nunavut
– The RFSO will allow five consultant firms to qualify for a DISO per stream (15 DISOs in total)
– Consultants may submit offers for multiple streams
– Call-up distribution in each stream will be based on pre-determined percentages
– Each stream will have two tiers with separate call-up instructions as follows:

For call-up requirements estimated to be worth less than $100,000 (including applicable taxes), PWGSC may either 1) select the firm of their choice or 2) compete the call-up on the basis of level of effort, a work plan or guarantees towards an Indigenous benefits plan (the pre-established unit rates of the standing offers will be respected). While this tier has no rotation to distribute work, each call-up will affect the ideal distribution of call-ups to offerors in light of their pre-determined percentages.

For call-up requirements estimated to be worth greater than or equal to $100,000 (including applicable taxes), PWGSC may either 1) issue the call-up to the next firm on the rotation, 2) direct a call-up to a firm with “best fit” justification, or 3) compete the call-up on the basis of level of effort, a work plan or guarantees towards an Indigenous benefits plan (the pre-established unit rates of the standing offers will be respected). This tier has a rotation to ensure equitable and consistent distribution of call-ups for larger projects.

Many of the multidisciplinary environmental services tool call-ups will be subject to modern treaties, which define the land and resource rights of Indigenous signatories and are intended to improve the social, cultural, political and economic well-being of the concerned Indigenous peoples. Accordingly, the RFSO will include socio-economic benefits criteria designed to maximize opportunities for Indigenous businesses, labour, subcontracting and training. The Nunavut stream in particular will be exclusive to firms listed in the Inuit Firm Registry].

PWGSC may develop a vendor performance mechanism that is specific to the standing offers. The mechanism is designed to adjust the percentage distribution of call-ups according to the performance of each offeror.

Please address any inquiries to:

Mario Giguère
Procurement Specialist
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Canada Place
10th Floor, 9700 Jasper Ave NW
Edmonton, AB T5J 4C3

Telephone: 780-246-0393
Fax: 418-566-6167

Government procurement is moving online! PWGSC is using SAP Ariba, a web-based tool that allows businesses to view and bid on opportunities with the Government of Canada. Get started on creating a free account or viewing tender opportunities.

Delivery Date: Above-mentioned

The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.

Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.
Delivery Date: Above-mentioned

The Crown retains the right to negotiate with suppliers on any procurement.

Documents may be submitted in either official language of Canada.

Contact information

Contact name
Giguere, Mario

Contact email

Contact phone
(780) 246-0393 ( )

Contact fax
(418) 566-6167

Contact address

Northern Contaminated Site Program
Canada Place/Place du Canada
10th Floor/10e étage
9700 Jasper Ave/9700 ave Jasper
T5J 4C3

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