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NationTalk Partnerships

The NationTalk Network has grown to provide a fleet of innovations developed to meet regional and specific needs of our clients and communities; on behalf of both present and future partners. NationTalk has expanded to offer vibrant select specific content sites most relevant to our membership, partners and loyalty base of advertisers.

NationTalk is honoured to have among its Partners and Sponsors some of the most prominent Mainstream companies in the country; major financial organizations and other key-decision makers.

The NationTalk Aboriginal Information Economy Network (AIEN) would not be what it is today without significant investment, support and commitments of our key partner organizations. The capacity and growth of this network is based upon collaborative partnership and many forms of investment from a variety of key stakeholders. As standing partners of the NationTalk, these organizations have each invested monies to participate in the NationTalk Partner Program. These valuable contributions provided by the partners include fiscal investment through our Partners, Sponsor and Advertising programs.

These high profile organizations also provide additional contributions through Reputation Capital, important content, expert advice and leadership; pledging their support and endorsement with their reputable logos. Indigenous Business and Finance Today is fortunate for the opportunity to leverage the Reputation Capital of these innovative nationally recognized leaders of industry, prestigious organizations, major financial organizations and some of the most prominent Mainstream companies in the country.

Partners provide many forms of contribution capital through investing its reputation; endorsing the concepts; adding significant and immediate credibility and legitimisation; enhancing social recognition of the roles/goods/services offered; providing customer loyalty; and through willingness to serve as a stakeholder to attract new alliance partners to invest in the ventures. This “return in cooperation” produces the needed reputation capital that will secure long-term competitive advantages of important new services such as Indigenous Business and Finance Today supported by these credible organizations and companies.

As we continue to grow, so too does our Partner’s presence within the Aboriginal community. It is a collaborative effort that provides positive outcomes for all involved and that ultimately affords the opportunity to lend much needed support to our Aboriginal non-profits and charities throughout the year. Participating organizations are assured their investment in NationTalk growing fleet of digital media channels deliver optimum value and provide the full range and impacts of targeted marketing.


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