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NEB Recommends Approving NGTL’s Wolverine River Lateral Loop Project

Press Releases

CALGARY – The National Energy Board (NEB or the Board) today issued a report recommending approval for NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) to construct and operate the Wolverine River Lateral Loop (Carmon Creek Section) Project (the Project).

The proposed Project, approximately 35 km northeast of Peace River, Alberta, involves the construction and operation of a 61 km pipeline, 508 mm (20 inches) in diameter, to transport sweet natural gas. Approximately 57 km of the pipeline would be built alongside existing linear disturbances. Other Project facilities would include tie-in connections to existing facilities, valve sites, launcher and receiver facilities for inline inspection, and cathodic protection. In addition, temporary infrastructure would be required for the construction of the Project.

In assessing NGTL’s application, the Board has recommended and included conditions that will enhance the pipeline integrity, safety and environmental protection regulations and standards to which the Project is already subject. The Board takes the commitments made by applicants seriously and throughout its deliberations the Board carefully considered all commitments made by NGTL in this proceeding. Should a Certificate be issued, NGTL is required to fulfill its commitments and satisfy the Board’s requirements. The NEB monitors a company’s compliance with Certificate and Order conditions and with legislation during all stages of the construction and operation of a project. The Board is of the view that the Project is in the public interest and is consistent with the requirements of Part III of the NEB Act.

The National Energy Board is an independent federal regulator of several parts of Canada’s energy industry with the safety of Canadians and protection of the environment as its top priority. Its purpose is to regulate pipelines, energy development and trade in the Canadian public interest. For more information on the NEB and its mandate, please visit

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For further information:

Stacey Squires
Communications Officer
National Energy Board
Telephone: 403-299-2717
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5503
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
TTY (Teletype): 1-800-632-1663

Related documents:

For a copy of the Reasons for Decision GH-003-2014:

National Energy Board Library
517 Tenth Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 0A8
Telephone: 403-299-3561
Telephone (toll free): 1-800-899-1265
Facsimile: 403-292-5576
Facsimile (toll free): 1-877-288-8803
TTY (teletype): 1-800-632-1663



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