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New Survey to Fill long-standing Gap in First Nations Labour and Employment Data


New Survey to Fill long-standing Gap in First Nations Labour and Employment Data

Mon, November 23, 2015

The First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC) is pleased to announce that it will be launching a new national survey that will take an unprecedented look at First Nations employment and labour conditions, two priority areas for First Nations in Canada.

The survey, which will be undertaken by FNIGC and its Regional Partners, will mark the first wide-scale survey effort to examine employment and labour conditions in First Nations communities across Canada. Historically First Nation people living in reserve and northern communities have been excluded from other national population surveys which examined such topics.

The new survey which will be supported by Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada, in partnership with Employment and Social Development Canada and Health Canada, will be developed over the next year with a scheduled data release in 2020.

The announcement of this new labour and employment survey comes on the heels of the release of initial data from FNIGC’s First Nations Regional Early Childhood, Education, and Employment Survey (FNREEES), which took place at a national conference in Ottawa November 17, 2015.

“The FNREEES is a landmark survey that gathered unique holistic data focussing on early childhood, education and employment themes throughout the lifespan of First Nation people” said Gail Mc Donald, Executive Director of FNIGC. “Our new employment and labour force survey is a sign of the continuing evolution of our trusted survey work, and it will continue the work of the FNREEES in examining specialized research themes.”

Operated by First Nations for First Nations, FNIGC is the premier source of information about First Nations people living on reserve and northern communities in Canada. An incorporated non-profit organization operating with a special mandate from the Assembly of First Nations’ Chiefs in Assembly (Resolution #48, December 2009), FNIGC is committed to improving the health and well-being of First Nations people and increasing the knowledge of First Nations


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