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Northern development ministers to gather in Whitehorse


September 26, 2013

WHITEHORSE—The Northern Development Ministers’ Forum is coming to Yukon in 2014 Minister of Economic Development Currie Dixon announced today.

“This is an important venue to represent Yukon’s interests and engage in discussions with regional leaders about their respective priorities, challenges and opportunities,” Dixon said. “The northern ministers’ meeting allows us to work on solutions to common issues, increase collaboration on projects and generally create lasting partnerships that will provide real opportunity for our northern economies.”

Next year’s forum theme, Build North: Infrastructure, Partnerships and Innovations, was announced following the conclusion of this year’s meeting in Fort McMurray.

“Alberta and Saskatchewan did an outstanding job hosting this year’s forum so the bar has been set quite high,” Dixon added. “We anticipate this time next year we’ll be working hard, not only on addressing issues of northern importance but also providing opportunities for our guests to experience Yukon’s incredible culture and geography first-hand.”

The September 2014 forum is expected to bring more than 60 delegates and officials to Whitehorse.

Established in 2001, the Northern Development Ministers’ Forum strives to advance the diverse and common interests of northerners while raising awareness of the accomplishments, contributions and potential of the North.

For more information about the Northern Development Ministers’ Forum,



Elaine Schiman
Cabinet Communications

Samantha Paterson
Communications, Economic Development


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