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NWMB-NMRWB Joint Written Public Hearing to consider the 2024/25 Total Allowable Catch levels for Northern and Striped shrimp in the Western and Eastern Assessment Zone

Press Release

April 29, 2024

THE PURPOSE of the Joint Written Public Hearing of the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) and Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board (NMRWB, collectively Boards) is to consider Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s Request for Decision to the Boards (Request) seeking recommendations and decisions on total allowable catch (TAC) levels for northern and striped shrimp in the Eastern and Western Assessment Zones for the 2024/2025 fishing season. Further, the purpose of the Joint Written Public Hearing is to ensure impacted parties have an opportunity to review the Request and the information in support of it, to share additional information and their views with the Boards so as to ensure the Boards have the most relevant information upon which to make their decisions and recommendations.

The purpose of this hearing is specifically to consider the following:

For the Western Assessment Zone

  • Overall TAC for both northern (Pandalus borealis) and striped (Pandalus montagui) shrimp in the Western Assessment Zone
  • Harvest level for both northern and striped shrimp in the Nunavut-West
  • Harvest level for both northern and striped shrimp in the Nunavik-West
  • Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS): Science Advisory Report for Shrimp in the Western Assessment Zone

For the Eastern Assessment Zone

  • Overall TAC for both northern and striped shrimp in the Eastern Assessment Zone
  • Harvest level for both northern and striped shrimp in the Nunavut-East
  • Harvest level for both northern and striped shrimp in the Nunavik-East
  • Distribution of northern and striped shrimp TAC within the Davis Strait management units and the allocation of the TAC among fleet interests
  • Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat (CSAS): Science Advisory Report for Shrimp in the Eastern Assessment Zone

The Proposal and additional documents relevant to the hearing are available for download from the NWMB and NMRWB’s websites (;



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