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Ontario Improving Decision-Making on Large Energy Projects

Government Implementing Changes to Regional Planning and Siting

Ministry of Energy

The Ontario government is improving the siting of large energy infrastructure projects by implementing18 recommendations made by the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) and the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO).

The new rules will ensure large energy infrastructure is located in the right place from the start, improve municipal engagement and public consultation, and ensure greater predictability for the energy sector.

Earlier this year, the government asked the OPA and the IESO to propose new siting rules for large energy projects.  Work was completed over the summer and both agencies recently submitted an action plan to the Minister of Energy.

Engaging with municipalities helps build strong, vibrant communities. This is part of the government’s plan to strengthen the economy and support a dynamic and innovative business climate that attracts investment and helps create jobs.

Quick Facts

  • The OPA and IESO engaged key stakeholders and associations that represented a broad range of interests while writing the plan, including First Nation and Métis groups, municipalities, local distribution companies, community leaders and the public. From within these groups, the OPA and IESO invited Ontario chiefs, Métis leaders, mayors, planners, developers, consumer groups, chambers of commerce and boards of trade, business improvement associations, residential and ratepayer associations, and community groups to provide feedback.


We want to get these decisions right, and we are committed to ensuring communities have their say right from the start.”

Bob Chiarelli
Minister of Energy


OPA-IESO Planning and Siting Recommendations

On May 6, 2013, the Minister of Energy asked the Ontario Power Authority (OPA) and the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) to work together to develop recommendations to improve how large energy infrastructure projects are sited and to include local voices in the planning and siting process.

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Media Contacts

Beckie Codd-Downey
Minister’s Office

Mark Smith
Communications Branch

For public inquiries call:
TTY: 1-800-239-4224


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