Iqaluit, Nunavut, – The Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA) held a Board of Directors Meeting and a General Meeting of Members this week in person and VIA zoom from June 4-7, 2024. There were three notable resolutions passed at this meeting:
Approval to enter into a Contribution Agreement with Kakivak association for $750,000 to help cover cost overruns in the Inuit Poset Secondary Education Program during the 2024-2025 fiscal year
Approval granted for the expenditure of $15 million in ICIF funding towards the construction of the Nauttiqsuqtiit Centres in Pond Inlet, Grise Fiord and Clyde River
Approval to negotiate a Memorandum of Understanding with the City of Iqaluit that establishes a process for the private development of the Municipal Lands located north of the Inuit Owned Lands along Sivumugiaq Street.
Nominations to the following boards also took place this week:
Janie Audla was nominated to the Sanikiluaq Community Joint Planning and Management Committee for the Kingaaluk Territorial Park for a 3 year term
Joamie Apak was nominated to the Aggutinni Territorial Park for a 3 year term
Ningeolaa Killiktee was nominated to the Katannilik Territorial Part for a 3 year term
Liza Ningiuk, Larry Audlaluk and Annie Audlaluk were nominated to the Quttinnirpaaq National Park Joint Planning & Management Committee for a 3 year term
Adla Itorcheak was nominated to the QIA Social Committee – Mens Representative for a 3 year term
Phillip Attagutaluk was nominated to the Sirmilik National Park Joint Planning and Management Committee for a 3 year term
Paul Kaludjak was nominated to the Nunavut Trust for a 3 year term
Archie Angnakak was nominated to the Nunavut Trust for a 1 year term
Readvertisements will also take place for the Qausuittuq National Park Joint Planning and Management Committee, the Sanikiluaq Joint Planning and Management Committee for Kinngaaluk Territorial Park and the Clyde River Joint Planning and Management Committee for Agguttinni Terrirotial Park.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Karen Flaherty
Director, Strategic Communications
Qikiqtani Inuit Association
(P) 867.975.8398 or toll-free 1.800.667.2742