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Red Pine Intersects Significant Mineralization within a gap of the existing resource – 3.80 g/t gold over 36.94m including 11.01 g/t gold over 5.60m

Press Release

Toronto, Ontario (December 18, 2023) – Red Pine Exploration Inc. (TSXV: RPX, OTCQB: RDEXF) (“Red Pine” or the “Company”) continues to report new assay results from its ongoing exploration program. These new results expand the exploration potential at depth in the Jubilee Shear and continue to expand the footprint of gold mineralization within gaps/hole of the existing Surluga resource.

  • Intersection of significant mineralization in the Jubilee Shear outside the footprint of the existing resource
    • 3.80 g/t gold over 36.94 metres including 24.04 g/t gold over 1.71 metres and 46.9 g/t gold over 1.04 metres in SD-23-456
  • Extension of mineralization 370 metres down-dip of the existing resource and 400 metres north of the Surluga South discovery in the Jubilee Shear in SD-23-448
    • 5.33 g/t gold over 2.09 m in SD-23-448 approximately 80 metres north from the intersection 5.61 g/t gold over 7.85 m including 21.6 g/t gold over 1.35 m in SD-23-455 (see press release of November 15, 2023)
    • Support the presence of a zone of significant gold mineralization at depth north of the Surluga South discovery.
  • Continue to expand the footprint of mineralization in the Minto B and Minto C Shear system above the Jubilee Shear (Figures 1 and 2)
    • 3.91 g/t gold over 3.90 m including 9.13 g/t gold over 1.21 metres in the Minto C Shear system in SD-23-452
    • 1.27 g/t gold over 21.96 metres in a zone of IRGS mineralization deformed in the Minto B Shear in the foot wall of the Surluga resource.

Quentin Yarie, President and CEO of Red Pine Exploration commented:

“The intersection of further continuous mineralization is a reminder of our continued positive results from our ongoing exploration program. As we expand our focus in the Jubilee Shear we remain on track for our revised resource in Q3 of 2024.”

Table 1– Highlights from drilling in the Wawa Gold Corridor (Figure 1)

Hole From (m) To Length (m)* Visible Gold Gold (g/t) Zone
SD-23-448 532.9 534.2 1.30 1.75
551.39 552.61 1.22 0.78
631.44 632.89 1.45 0.68 Jubilee Shear
649.49 651.58 2.09 5.33
SD-23-452 100.01 103.91 3.90 3.91 Minto C Shear
102.7 103.91 1.21 9.13
212.48 213.57 1.19 4.41 Minto B/Minto C Shear
289.6 294.21 4.61 0.90 Jubilee Shear
352.58 357.63 5.05 0.91
439.67 441 1.33 6.34 Lower Jubilee Shear
SD-23-454 188.79 190.76 1.97 0.82 Minto B/Minto C Shear
366.1 375.08 8.98 0.43 Jubilee Shear
386.11 387.11 1.00 2.03
SD-23-456 42.00 50.77 8.77 1.10 Minto B Shear
49.53 50.77 1.24 6.03
242.7 279.64 36.94 VG 3.80 Jubilee Shear
249.12 250.03 0.91 VG 5.21
251.85 253.56 1.71 24.04
256.29 257.45 1.16 15.00
278.6 279.64 1.04 46.9
SD-23-458 155.95 164.52 8.57 0.71 Minto B Shear
160.15 161.2 1.05 3.00
267.51 268.6 1.09 2.09 Jubilee Shear
312.72 313.96 1.24 1.34
SD-23-460 230.26 239.3 9.04 1.20 Jubilee Shear
237.16 239.3 2.14 3.38
338.3 339.49 1.19 1.68
SD-23-461 160.29 161.45 1.16 1.49 Minto B Shear
188.79 194.28 8.22 0.41
279.73 282.05 2.32 0.71 Jubilee Shear
297.04 303.99 6.95 2.07
301.08 303.99 2.91 3.73
SD-23-462 9.93 11.32 1.39 1.34
214.54 236.5 21.96 1.27 HW IRGS / Minto B Shear
260.52 263.5 2.98 0.43
SD-23-463 60.93 67.18 6.25 0.70 HW IRGS
63.48 64.75 1.27 2.21
212.75 222.78 10.03 0.49 Minto B Shear
251.32 271.72 20.40 1.09
294.00 297.68 3.68 0.81
SD-23-466 148.06 151.00 2.94 0.40 Minto B Shear
169.68 174.94 5.26 0.39
186.04 198.15 12.11 0.65
SD-23-469 187.66 195.47 7.81 0.43 Minto B Shear

Assay results presented over core length. True width for the intersections varies between 50 to 95% depending on the intersected geological structure.

Update on Red Pine ongoing Exploration

Red Pine continues its progress a new/revised resource for the Wawa Gold Project.  Two drills are currently active on-site producing an average of 3750 metres per month. Drilling is targeted to the hanging wall of the Jubilee Shear over the footprint of the 2019 resource.  Additionally, holes/gaps in the previous resource resulting from lack of drilling in the high-grade core are being targeted. The potential of discovering significant mineralization in the gaps of the 2019 resource envelope have been proven not only with the results presented within this press release but with additional  intersections of:

  • 9.57 g/t gold over 10.95 m including 83.71 g/t gold over 1.00 m in SD-23-457 (press release of November 15, 2023)
  • 8.01 g/t Au over 32.95 m including 171.0 g/t gold over 1.19 m in SD-23-451 (press release of October 24, 2023)
  • 10.92 g/t gold over 28.05 m that includes 209.1 g/t gold over 1.00 m in SD-23-442 (press release of September 14, 2023)

Drilling will still continue at the Wawa Gold Property through the summer and fall of 2024. Red Pine has a steady pipeline of samples from the exploration program that are going for analyses with currently 5711 samples with pending assays.

Quality Assurance/Quality Control (“QA/QC”) Measures

Drill core samples were transported in security sealed bags for analyses to Actlabs in Ancaster, Ontario. Individual samples were labelled, placed in plastic sample bags and sealed. Groups of samples were then placed into durable rice bags and shipped. The residual coarse reject portions of the samples remain in storage if further work or verification is needed.

Red Pine has implemented a quality-control program to comply with best practices in the sampling and analysis of drill core. As part of its QA/QC program, Red Pine inserts external gold standards (low to high grade) and blanks every 20 samples in addition to random standards, blanks, and duplicates.

Qualified Person

Quentin Yarie, P.Geo. and Chief Executive Officer of Red Pine and the Qualified Person, as defined by National Instrument 43-101, has reviewed, and approved the news release’s technical information.

About Red Pine Exploration Inc.

Red Pine Exploration Inc. is a gold exploration company headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The Company’s shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol “RPX” and on the OTCQB Markets under the symbol “RDEXF”.

The Wawa Gold Project is in the Michipicoten Greenstone Belt of Ontario, a region that has seen major investment by several producers in the last five years. Its land package hosts numerous historic gold mines and is over 6,900 hectares in size. Led by Quentin Yarie, CEO, who has over 25 years of experience in mineral exploration, Red Pine is strengthening its position as a major mineral exploration and development player in the Michipicoten region.

For more information about the Company, visit

Or contact:

Quentin Yarie, President and CEO, (416) 364-7024,


Carrie Howes, Director Corporate Communications, (416) 644-7375,

1 National Instrument 43-101 Technical Report for the Wawa Gold Project, Brian Thomas P.Geo. Golder Associates Ltd, report effective August 18, 2021.



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