June 26, 2024
The Saskatchewan Indigenous Investment Finance Corporation (SIIFC) will provide up to $100 million in loan guarantees to six Indigenous partners to support their investment in Enbridge’s new renewable wind energy project southeast of Weyburn, Saskatchewan.
“We are proud to support this historic partnership by providing $100 million in loan guarantees through the Saskatchewan Indigenous Investment Finance Corporation which will benefit nearly 25 per cent of Saskatchewan’s Indigenous population,” said Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison. “This project will increase Indigenous participation in Saskatchewan’s economy, create new jobs and advance economic reconciliation in our province.”
The Seven Stars Energy Project is a collaboration between Enbridge and Cowessess, George Gordon, Kahkewistahaw, Pasqua and White Bear First Nations as well as Métis Nation-Saskatchewan. The partners will receive up to $100 million in loan guarantees from SIIFC to support acquiring at least 30 per cent equity in the project.
Read More: https://www.renewcanada.net/saskatechewan-provides-100m-to-support-major-indigenous-wind-project/