April 18, 2024
Will a major national project reaffirm the place of history in school curricula?
Five years into a $2.5-million seven-year Social Science and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) study known as “Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future,” funding support from 17 universities and 31 educational organizations has grown to exceed $8.6 million (Lingley 2023). Given that sizable investment, the whole project would benefit from more public scrutiny. The project’s modest website provides a few clues, but it’s mostly a platform for sharing social studies research, in-house notices, and wallpaper for the funders (Thinking Historically for Canada’s Future 2024).
“Thinking Historically” was launched with great promise and has engaged thirty history and social studies educators in the first major review of K to 12 history and social studies in Canada since 1968. Project leader Carla Peck, a professor of social studies education at the University of Alberta, is passionate about that work, but, strangely enough, mostly absent from the public debate over saving history as an endangered species in our schools.
Read More: https://macdonaldlaurier.ca/saving-history-in-canadas-schools-paul-w-bennett-commentary/