SEABIRD ISLAND BAND – Seabird Island Band (SIB) has achieved Financial Management System (FMS) Certification from the First Nations Financial Management Board (FMB). This means that SIB’s finance and administrative governance practices now meet FMB standards, which are based on internationally recognized standards of financial management.
As part of its journey in achieving FMS Certification, SIB developed a Financial Administration Law (FAL) and received FMB’s Financial Performance Certificate, making SIB eligible to borrow from the First Nations Finance Authority.
Seabird Island Chief James Harris says the FMS Certification demonstrates to community members and external partners that SIB adheres to very high standards in financial management.
“Thank you for the hard work and dedication of Seabird Council and staff,” says Chief Harris. “This certificate shows Council and Administration’s desire for greater transparency and accountability to the community.”
The strong leadership of SIB’s Chief and Council and the dedication of SIB staff were key to achieving FMS Certification. The FMB congratulates SIB on this significant achievement.
About Seabird Island Band:
SIB (Halkomelem: Sq’éwqel) is a community of the Sto:lo people located on Seabird Island in the Upper Fraser Valley region of British Columbia. They are a member of the Stó:lō Tribal Council. SIB has a multi-faceted government that includes financial management and economic development activities.
About FMB:
The First Nations Financial Management Board (FMB) is a First Nations-led non-profit organization that supports First Nations in developing sound financial and administrative governance practices. The FMB was created under the First Nations Fiscal Management Act (FMA) in 2006. Services offered are at no cost to First Nations. For more information on all products and services, visit
Media Contacts:
Helen Murphy
Senior Communications Manager
First Nations Financial Management Board P: (343) 598-2606
Nigel Selvadurai
Director, Administration & Finance
Seabird Island Band (604) 796-6815