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Speaking Notes – Support for Long Plain Urban Reserve Businesses

Notes for an address by the Honourable Bernard Valcourt, PC, MP,
Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development
Support for Long Plain Urban Reserve Businesses
Long Plain Urban Reserve

Winnipeg, Manitoba
November 19, 2013

Check against delivery

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. Chief Meeches, Elders, members of the community and all guests here today. I am honoured to join you here on Treaty One territory.

I am sure everyone appreciates the meaning of what we are announcing today. We are pleased to support Long Plain First Nation, as you continue to work to develop into a business district, bringing economic benefits to the First Nation and the surrounding area.

Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada is proud to contribute $185,400 through its Community Economic Opportunities Program for economic infrastructure such as parking, water and waste services, which will enable the community to proceed with furthering the developments for your urban reserve.

The establishment of your urban reserve in May 2013 – the first in Winnipeg – is surely a stepping stone for the development of new Aboriginal businesses and a way into the mainstream job market.

Furthermore, it will give First Nation businesses the chance to establish themselves and provide employment and training opportunities. At the same time it will help create jobs for Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people and contribute to the economic development of the host municipality.

Our Government’s top priority is jobs and economic growth for all Canadians. This priority is particularly crucial when it comes to achieving our goal of healthier, more prosperous and self-sufficient Aboriginal communities. Our government’s strategy has been to focus on finding real solutions to specific economic obstacles. We remain focused on creating jobs, economic growth and long-term prosperity.

We are also committed to helping provide greater opportunities for Aboriginal entrepreneurs and to helping Aboriginal business owners succeed.

Business owners and operators, entrepreneurs and investors have vital roles to play in spurring Canada’s economy — by starting new businesses, expanding existing ones, and thereby encouraging job creation and economic development. The role of the government is to help foster predictable, consistent and reliable conditions that give Canadian businesses, entrepreneurs and investors the certainty and the incentives they need to take calculated risks to invest, expand and generate jobs.

That’s why we will continue to take concrete action to ensure the necessary conditions for Aboriginal communities to create and take advantage of economic opportunities.

Increasing Aboriginal participation in the economy is the most effective way to improve the well-being and quality of life of Aboriginal people in Canada.

It is also crucial to Canada’s future economic prosperity. Our vision is a future in which First Nations are self-sufficient and prosperous, managing their own affairs and who are full participants in a strong Canadian economy.

All Canadians benefit from strong, healthy, self-sufficient Aboriginal peoples and communities.

Thank you.



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