Press Release
April 17, 2024
Canada Lands Company welcomes the initiatives announced by the government as part of Budget 2024 that will unlock 250,000 homes by 2031 on federal lands, addressing the pressing housing crisis. Never before in Canadian history has the need for housing been so dire. As a valued partner of the Government of Canada, Canada Lands looks forward to contributing to this initiative and collaborating to make land available that will revitalize cities, create complete communities, and offer Canadians the homes they need.
Canada Lands acknowledges the potential of the initiatives outlined in the budget and looks forward to working with all levels of government to put these plans into action. In conjunction with strategies put forward in the new Public Lands for Homes Plan, Canada Lands will continue and enhance its work of enabling housing and affordable housing across Canada faster.
Canada Lands will immediately unlock and make five parcels available from its current portfolio to the not-for-profit housing market on a non-commercial, low-cost, long-term land lease basis. This new initiative aims to expedite the development of an estimated 800 affordable housing units at our sites in Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa, Toronto, and Montréal. A breakdown of more than 800 affordable housing units is as follows:
• Currie, Calgary (Nearly 100 units)
• Wateridge Village, Ottawa (Nearly 500 units)
• Village at Griesbach, Edmonton (Over 40 units)
• Arbo, Toronto (100 units)
• 3155 Chemin de la Côte-de-Liesse, Montréal (Over 100 potential units)
In addition, Canada Lands is rolling out a temporary modular housing program that offers four sites (Edmonton, Toronto, Montréal and Dartmouth) to the social housing market at a low-cost to accommodate temporary modular housing on a lease basis while permanent solutions are being sought.
As outlined in Budget 2024, the Government of Canada also mandates Canada Lands Company to partner with federal departments, agencies and Crown corporations to repurpose their properties that are underutilized or still in use, for housing and/or other uses. This expanded role means that Canada Lands can work with Crown corporations in a more streamlined manner and work with federal departments to expedite the delivery of housing faster.
Canada Lands is ready to optimize the delivery of housing and add to its already successful track record.
Canada Lands remains steadfast in its commitment to contributing to Canada’s housing solutions and continuing its positive partnerships with the federal government, as well as serving as a trusted collaborator with municipalities, housing providers and Indigenous partners. As underscored in today’s budget, the path to a solution requires a concerted effort of collaboration. Canada Lands is dedicated to working with all levels of government to streamline processes and develop more spaces that Canadians can proudly call home.
As announced in Budget 2024, we look forward to working Public Services and Procurement Canada on its office portfolio reduction efforts to meet the needs of Canadians.
More details will follow in the coming days and weeks.
For more information, please contact:
Jeannie Tsang
Public Relations and Communications Manager
Canada Lands Company