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STLLR Gold Intersects 1.23 g/t Au over 59.00 m at the Colomac Main Deposit and New Zones of Mineralization at Windjammer North

Press Release

TORONTO, Ontario, June 26, 2024 – STLLR Gold Inc. (TSX: STLR) (OTCQX: STLRF) (FSE: O9D) (“STLLR” or the “Company”) announces assay results from the exploration drilling at the Colomac Gold Project in the Northwest Territories and at the Tower Gold Project in the Timmins Mining Camp in Ontario.

Table 1: 2024 Exploration Drilling Highlights – Colomac Main Deposit & Windjammer North (See Figures 1-8):

“g/t Au”: grams per tonne gold; “m”: metres

Keyvan Salehi, P.Eng., MBA, President, CEO, and Director of STLLR stated: “We continue to intersect very encouraging gold mineralization outside of the known mineral resources of the Colomac Gold Project and the Tower Gold Project.  We believe both Projects have the potential for continued growth in mineral resources, as the deposits remain open in several directions. More assay results are expected at both the Colomac Gold Project and the Tower Gold Project in the coming weeks.”

Colomac Gold Project Drilling – Colomac Main Deposit (See Figures 1-4)

The Colomac Main Deposit, the primary deposit of the Colomac Gold Project, occurs in a north-south striking differentiated mafic sill, approximately 9 km long and up to 155 m wide, bounded by mafic volcanic rocks. Mineralization is predominantly free gold spatially associated with quartz-carbonate veining and minor sulphides.

Drilling in 2024 is focused on the southern-end (Zones 2.5, 3.0, & 3.5) of the Colomac Main Deposit, targeting areas where there is a lack of drilling information and the potential to intersect higher-grade, open-pit gold mineralization. Hole C24-05 intersected new mineralization seventy-five metres to the north of Hole C24-01[1] in Zone 2.5. This hole tested a zone adjacent to the main deep-rooted structure believed to be the focal point for fluid flow or one of the potential “feeders” of the Colomac Main Deposit mineralization.

[1]Please refer to the STLLR June 13, 2024 news release for more details.

Figure 1: Colomac Gold Project – Property Map

Figure 2: Colomac Main – Exploration Results Map

Figure 3: Colomac Main – Exploration Drilling Long Section “G-H” Looking West

Figure 4: Colomac Main – Exploration Drilling Cross Section “E-F” Looking North

Tower Gold Project Drilling – Golden Highway Exploration Targets (See Figures 5-8)

STLLR has identified several high-potential exploration targets in the Golden Highway area of the Tower Gold Project (See Figure 5 for the Drill Location Map). These targets are located outside the known mineralization and drilling will test either potential extensions of the known mineralization or areas where geological interpretation appears favourable for new gold discoveries.

Windjammer North

Windjammer North is located within the North Corridor volcanics of the northern branch of the Destor Porcupine Fault Zone. Gold mineralization is associated with pyrite-rich white to light grey quartz-carbonate veining hosted by massive-to-brecciated ultramafic metavolcanics that have been altered to a green fuchsite-carbonate assemblage.   Hole MGH24-524 intersected mineralization in the ultramafic units, where there was a gap in data. Hole MGH24-528 was a significant step-out (0.5 km) to the east of the Windjammer North Deposit, intersecting mineralization in the same lithological and structural trend as the deposit.

Figure 5: Tower Gold Project – Drill Location Map

Figure 6: Windjammer North – Exploration Results Map

Figure 7:  Windjammer North – Exploration Drilling Cross Section “A-B” Looking West

Figure 8:  Windjammer North – Exploration Drilling Cross Section “C-D” Looking Northwest

Table 2: Exploration Drilling Intercepts

Table 3: Exploration Drill Hole Details

Quality Control Procedures

NQ drill core is oriented and cut with half sent to ALS Laboratories Inc. (ALS) for drying and crushing to -2 mm, with a 1.00 kg split pulverized to -75 µm (200#). ALS is an ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. A 50 g charge at Tower and 30 g charge at Colomac are Fire Assayed and analyzed using an AAS finish for Gold. Samples above 10.00 g/t Au are analyzed by Fire Assay with a gravimetric finish and selected samples with visible gold or high-grade mineralization are assayed by Metallic Screen Fire Assay on a 1.00 kg sample. STLLR inserts independent certified reference material and blanks with the samples and assays routine pulp repeats and coarse reject sample duplicates, as well as completing routine third-party check assays at Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd.

Qualified Person

John McBride, MSc., P.Geo., Vice President of Exploration for STLLR, who is the “Qualified Person” as defined by NI 43-101 for this project, has reviewed and approved of the technical disclosure contained in this news release.

About STLLR Gold

STLLR Gold Inc. (TSX: STLR; OTCQX: STLRF; FSE: O9D) is a Canadian gold development company actively advancing two cornerstone gold projects in Canada: The Tower Gold Project in the Timmins Mining Camp in Ontario and the Colomac Gold Project located north of Yellowknife, Northwest Territories. Each of these two projects has the potential for a long-life and large-scale operation and are surrounded by exploration land with favourable upside potential. STLLR’s experienced management team, with a track record of successfully advancing projects and operating mines, is working towards rapidly advancing these projects.

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STLLR Gold Investor Relations

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