April 18, 2024
Canada is at an economic crossroads. In one direction, reconciliation points to a new generation of corporate thinking and government policy, leading to more Indigenous ownership, project decisions based on consent and a more sustainable approach to resource development. In the other direction, Canada could risk a return to court fights over resource rights, lost foreign investment and a diminished ability to reach Net Zero. Leading businesses and Indigenous communities have a short window of time to pick a path and forge it together.
As Canada nears the halfway mark of the 2020s, with climate challenges growing and the economy struggling, a new path of prosperity through economic reconciliation and a transformed approach to resource development can be forged. A rapidly evolving legal framework around Indigenous rights has helped create this opportunity, as have scores of communities and nations looking to shape – even control – a more equitable future.
Read More: https://thoughtleadership.rbc.com/building-the-future-while-helping-repair-the-past/