Press Release
Gender Results Framework: A new data table on workplace harassment
Statistics Canada’s Centre for Gender, Diversity and Inclusion Statistics has released a new data table on experiences of harassment and sexual assault in the workplace. This data table reports on the Gender Results Framework, introduced by the Government of Canada in 2018 to track the progress of gender equality in Canada.
Leading indicator of international arrivals to Canada, January 2024
In January 2024, the preliminary number of international arrivals to Canada by air and automobile increased 10.6% from January 2023.
Non-profit organizations in rural and small town Canada, 2021
In 2021, more than 135,000 non-profit organizations (NPOs) were active in Canada. While the overall number of active NPOs in Canada remained relatively stable from 2020 to 2021 (+0.9%), the number of those operating in rural and small town (RST) areas dropped by 2.6%.
Canadian System of Environmental–Economic Accounts: Intensities and demand-based measures for energy and greenhouse gas emissions, 2020
In 2020, the average national direct plus indirect intensity of energy use of the Canadian economy as a whole was 4.69 gigajoules of energy per thousand current dollars of output. The corresponding average direct plus indirect intensity for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was 0.33 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per thousand current dollars of output.
The underground economy in Canada
The article “The underground economy in Canada, sources and methods,” is now available. This article is a compliment to Statistics Canada’s work on the underground economy in Canada.
Stocks of frozen and chilled meats, January 1, 2024
Stocks of frozen and chilled meats in cold storage facilities totalled 128 080 tonnes as of January 1, 2024, up 3.0% compared with October 1, 2023. However, this represents a 7.5% decrease from January 1, 2023.