Press Release
Industrial product and raw materials price indexes, February 2024
The Industrial Product Price Index rose 0.7% on a monthly basis in February and fell 1.7% relative to February 2023. The Raw Materials Price Index increased 2.1% month over month in February 2024 and decreased 4.7% year over year.
Lending Services Price Index, fourth quarter 2023
Data from the Lending Services Price Index (2017=100) are now available for the fourth quarter of 2023.
Investment in building construction, January 2024
Investment in building construction declined 0.9% to $19.7 billion in January. The residential sector declined 1.4% to $13.6 billion, while investment in the non-residential sector edged up 0.2% to $6.1 billion.
Physical flow account for plastic material, 2020
The Physical Flow Account for Plastic Material is an environmental-economic account that estimates the flow of plastic through the Canadian economy. The account provides annual estimates by product category, resin type, and province and territory. The time-series starts in 2012 and now includes 2020.
Industrial Water Survey, 2021
Thermal-electric power producers continued to be Canada’s largest industrial user of water in 2021, a trend observed since 2005, the first year the survey was collected.
National Cannabis Survey, 2023
New data show that, in 2023, five years after non-medical cannabis use was legalized, over one-third of younger adults aged 18 to 44 years and one in seven adults aged 45 years and older had used cannabis in the previous 12 months. Cannabis consumers tend to favour products such as dried leaf or flower and edible cannabis, and they often prefer legal cannabis sources because of product safety.