Press Release
Wholesale trade, June 2024
Wholesale sales (excluding petroleum, petroleum products, and other hydrocarbons and excluding oilseed and grain) fell 0.6% to $82.4 billion in June.
New motor vehicle sales, June 2024
New motor vehicle sales data for Canada and the provinces are now available for June. The New Motor Vehicle Sales Survey collects data on monthly sales (in dollars and units) of new motor vehicles in Canada by type of vehicle and by country or region of manufacture.
Nearly half of Canadians report that rising prices are greatly impacting their ability to meet day-to-day expenses
In spring 2024, nearly half (45%) of Canadians reported that rising prices were greatly affecting their ability to meet day-to-day expenses, 12 percentage points higher than what it was two years earlier (33%).
Canadian business counts, June 2024
In June, there were 1.36 million employer businesses in Canada and 3.38 million non-employer businesses with annual revenues greater than $30,000.
Quality of life indicators from the Canadian Social Survey, second quarter 2024
Tables for 10 indicators in Canada’s Quality of Life Framework have been updated to include Canadian Social Survey data collected from April to June 2024 (second quarter of 2024). These indicators include life satisfaction, sense of meaning and purpose, future outlook, loneliness, someone to count on, sense of belonging to local community, satisfaction with time use, satisfaction with local environment, discrimination and unfair treatment, and trust in media.
Traffic Flow Dashboard
Statistics Canada has launched the Traffic Flow Dashboard as a source of experimental statistics to provide information on the traffic flow on selected road segments in the cities of Calgary and Toronto.