Press Release
Trade by exporter and importer characteristics: Goods, 2023
The number of enterprises exporting goods rose by 1.4% to 48,718 in 2023, the highest level since 2005. Meanwhile, the number of enterprises importing goods increased by 2.3% to 163,881. Large enterprises had the highest year-over-year growth for exporters (+5.6%) and importers (+6.2%).
Monthly Analysis on the Canadian Economic Tracker, May 2024
The monthly analysis that accompanies the Canadian Economic Tracker is now available.
Half of racialized people have experienced discrimination or unfair treatment in the past five years
Over one in three Canadians aged 15 years and older have experienced some form of discrimination in the five years prior to the latest wave of the Canadian Social Survey. New data from the survey suggest that while the self-reported proportion of discriminatory incidents has remained relatively stable since 2021, discrimination continues to disproportionally affect certain groups.
Urban public transit, March 2024
In March, the number of urban transit passenger trips in Canada reached 134.3 million, representing over four-fifths (81.5%) of the March 2019 ridership, before the COVID-19 pandemic.
Quality of life indicators from the Canadian Social Survey, fourth quarter 2023 and first quarter 2024
New tables for three indicators in Canada’s Quality of Life Framework—trust in others, trust in media, and discrimination and unfair treatment—are now available from the Canadian Social Survey (CSS) collected from October to December 2023 (fourth quarter of 2023) and January to March 2024 (first quarter of 2024).