Press Release
National balance sheet and financial flow accounts, fourth quarter 2023
Households were wealthier in the fourth quarter as their net worth—the value of all assets minus all liabilities—increased $289.8 billion (+1.8%) to $16,419.9 billion. This increase was driven by strength in financial markets as both bonds and equities rallied after losing ground in the prior quarter.
Police-reported hate crime, 2022
The number of hate crimes reported by police in Canada increased 7%, rising from 3,355 incidents in 2021 to 3,576 in 2022. This followed two sharp annual increases, resulting in a cumulative rise of 83% from 2019 to 2022.
Employer pension plans (trusteed pension funds), third quarter 2023
Data on trusteed pension funds (value of assets by sector; value of assets by foreign and domestic holdings; and revenues, expenditures and net income) are now available for the third quarter.
Crushing statistics of major oilseeds, Canada and United States, 2023
Canadian oilseed processors crushed a record 10 522 947 tonnes of canola in 2023, up 20.0% from 2022, surpassing the previous record set in 2020.
Area, production and farm value of potatoes, by harvest season, United States, 2023
Data on area and production of potatoes for 2023 are now available for the United States.
Fertilizer Shipments Survey, second quarter 2023/2024
Data on the shipments, production and market inventories of fertilizer in Canada are now available for the second quarter of the 2023/2024 fertilizer year.
Weekly aircraft movements, February 24 to March 1, 2024
Weekly data on aircraft itinerant movements are now available for February 24 to March 1, 2024.