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The Prosperity Continues: An Updated Snapshot of Temiskaming Shores

Press Release

May 2, 2024 – Temiskaming Shores is a community that offers many advantages, including economic opportunity and a high quality of life. As a result, the community continues to grow. These facts are highlighted in Northern Policy Institute’s latest publications: an economic profile of Temiskaming Shores, and a pair of infographics that summarize the state of Temiskaming Shores’ economy and community.

As the economic hub for the Lesser Clay Belt region, Temiskaming Shores supports many businesses that employ people from communities across the region. Major industries in Temiskaming Shores include Health care and social assistance, Retail trade, Manufacturing, and Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction. Between 2022 and 2028, Temiskaming Shores is projected to experience a high rate of employment growth in Health care and social assistance, Professional, scientific, and technical services, and Arts, entertainment, and recreation.

It is not just economic opportunity that makes Temiskaming Shores a great place to live. Residents enjoy a high quality of life with many opportunities for recreation and community-building. Temiskaming Shores has an above-average number of residents who have a strong sense of belonging to their community and an above-average number of youth who get 60 minutes or more of physical activity per day. Life in Temiskaming Shores is affordable too; compared to the Ontario average, fewer residents of Temiskaming Shores spend more than 30 per cent of their income on shelter costs.

“The evidence shows that Temiskaming Shores is positioned for continued prosperity, despite some modest economic and demographic challenges” said author William Dunstan. “With a strong and diverse economy, Temiskaming Shores continues to offer economic opportunity along with a high quality of living.”

These publications were completed through NPI’s Northern Analyst Collective (NAC) program, which is supported by NOHFC and local partners.

James Franks, economic development officer at the City of Temiskaming Shores, said “NPI provides great support to communities through the NAC program. We would not have the staff capacity to gather the data and create such materials without the support of NPI. This service enables our community to have up to date statistics to share with community partners as well as those looking to relocate to the North. It is not statistics that make people settle in Temiskaming Shores, but the infographics and community profile may encourage someone to look here for the first time. Once people visit the community, it isn’t hard to convince them to stay!”

Interested in learning more about Temiskaming Shores? Read the publications here:

Media Interviews: Author William Dunstan is available for comment. To arrange an interview, please contact:

Abigail Ollila
Communications Officer, NPI
1-705-572-8956, e. 406



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