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The push to Parliament’s summer hiatus is about to begin, here’s what you need to know – Daily Guardian

May 20, 2024

When MPs file back in to the House of Commons on Tuesday, it will be for the final five-week parliamentary push of the spring.

Standing between federal politicians’ two and a half months of dedicated riding time and the barbeque circuit is a stacked legislative agenda, with the governing Liberals pressing to pass as many bills as possible before picking up sticks for the summer.

The House of Commons is scheduled to adjourn on June 21, but it’s fairly common for all sides to agree to call it quits a few days early as MPs start itching to get back for constituency graduation ceremonies and other warm weather celebrations. Lately though, what appears more likely is the Conservatives dangling the threat of keeping everyone in town until the last minute.

Looking ahead to what could be a raucous and late-night filled final stretch, spoke with top House representatives to get a sense of what’s atop their priority list, and how they’re feeling about the state of decorum in the chamber after last month’s “wacko” drama.

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